Installing SmartTUBE app on Hisense TV manually

This manual will guide you through the manual installation of the SmartTUBE app on Hisense Smart TVs running VIDAA OS. If your TV runs Android TV or Fire TV OS, please, follow the corresponding guide.


To install the SmartTUBE app on TV, please make sure you meet the following conditions:

  • An Internet-connected VIDAA TV.
  • Your VIDAA TV is manufactured or upgraded in 2021 and later (Firmware version > L0901)
    or check below platform support table by SoC and VIDAA OS Version shown in DevKit > System Info:

    Platform Support Table

    SoC & OS version DevKit Support
    MT9900 U6 Supported
    NT72671D U5 Supported
    MT9602 U4 Supported
    MT9602 U5 Supported
    MSD6886 U4 Supported
    MSD6886 U3 Not Supported
    MSD6586 U2.5 Not Supported
    MT5659 U2.5 Not Supported
    MT5658 U2.5 Not Supported

1. Install VIDAA DevKit 

DevKit is an application designed to develop web applications, debugging and, in particular, to install third-party applications on TVs running VIDAA OS. DevKit is not installed in the TV by default, thus you need to enable DevKit by following the steps below.

  1. Open the App Store in VIDAA Home:devkit install
  2. After entering APP Store, move the focus to the search button (DO NOT press OK button):devkit install
  3. Press the remote control button: 2775379, the following installation success message will pop up in the APP Store:devkit install
  4. Open More Apps in VIDAA Home, you can see the DevKit app at the bottom:devkit install

    Note: More Apps may be called My Apps or All Apps on other platforms.

    Once the DevKit application is installed, you can move to the next steps.

2. Get the Secure Code

To install applications on your TV, you will need an individual Secure Code. You can get it as follows:

  1. Open DevKit.
  2. Get the wired MAC address and Device Code displayed on Home screen.
  3. Contact with your personal VIDAA PEM manager and send him this information.
  4. Wait for the reply with your Secure Code.

3. Verify Secure Code 

  1. Open DevKit. You will see a page with key information about the TV system:
  2. Platform U4/U5: Input your Secure Code in input box and click Verify button.

    Platform U6: Put the securecode.key file you obtained into the USB flash drive and plug it into your TV, open DevKit app and click the Verify button to authorize it.

  3. If the secure code is validated, you will see a menu like the following image appear:

4. Install the App 

Now is everything ready for the SmartTUBE app installation.

  1. Click App Manager.
  2. In App Manager, fill out the fields App Name (e.g. SmartLabs Lime), Icon URL and App URL (e.g., if you want to install our demo SmartTUBE Lime app).

    If you are a SmartLabs customer, you can find the App URL on the Software Release Notes page in your SmartLabs Wiki‘s space.

    If you just want to try out our demo app, please email us at

    Note: If you didn’t specify the Icon URL, then the application icon will be displayed as a transparent rectangle with the specified App Name.

  3. Select the Resolution under which the application will run.
  4. Click Install.

Option for HISENSE TVs produced before 2021 

If your TV is produced before 2021 and does not support the recommended method shown above (accordingly to the Platform Support Table), please follow the instructions below.

  1. Run a web browser from the list of applications on your TV.
  2. Input hisense://debug in the address bar.
  3. Fill out the fields AppName (e.g. SmartLabs Lime) and App URL (e.g., if you want to install our demo SmartTUBE Lime app).

    If you are a SmartLabs customer, you can find the App URL on the Software Release Notes page in your SmartLabs Wiki‘s space.

    If you just want to try out our demo app, please email us at

  4. Fill out the Thumbnail field by entering the app’s icon URL. If you didn’t specify this, then the application icon will be displayed as a transparent rectangle with the specified AppName.
  5. Click Install. 
  6. Turn the TV off using remote control or power button on the TV panel.
  7. Turn it on again.
  8. Find the installed app in the list of applications and run it.
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