Installing SmartTUBE app on LG TV manually

Connecting TV

  1. Create an account on 
  2. Press Settings button and open All Settings > General > Broadcast Country on your TV and set Country to the same value as was used when you created the account.
  3. Turn Set automatically to OFF and set  LG services Country same as Broadcast Country. 
  4. Restart your TV and accept license agreement (all articles).
  5. Login on TV with LG developer account.
  6. Open LG Store, find the Developer mode app and install it.
  7. Start the Developer mode app. Login to the app with your LG developer UserID
  8. Set Dev Mode StatusON and confirm TV restart (if you use the WiFi connection, you will need to manage network settings after the restart.)
  9. Start the Developer mode app and set Key ServerON 
  10. Install the webOS TV CLI app on your PC.
  11. Check that your PC and TV are connected to the same network and then start webOS TV CLI.
  12. Input the ares-setup-device command in the console mode.
  13. You should see 3 variants: addmodifyremove. Choose Add.
  14. Set the following connection parameters:
    1. Name of your TV — any string, for example lgtest
    2. IP address — IP address of TV (you can find it in the Developer mode app);
    3. Device Port — use default value;
    4. SSH user — use default value;
    5. Description — any string;
    6. Authentication — password;
    7. Password — leave empty, press Enter;
    8. Input “Y” to save setting.
  15. Input the command ares-setup-device -list and you should see your TV in the device list.
  16. Input the command ares-novacom –device %Name% –getkey and input Passphrase (you can find it in the Developer mode app).

Now your TV is connected to the PC with WebOS CLI.

Application Installation

  1. If you are a SmartLabs customer, please go to your SmartLabs Wiki‘s space.
    If not, you can try our demo app. For getting the latest version, please contact our Sales Team
  2. Download the app package intended for the LG Smart TVs from the Software Release Notes page.
  3. Open CLI and input ares-install –device %Name% %app_path% (for example, ares-install –device lgtest c:\lime_v6_14_21_295_1080.ipk).
  4. Input ares-install –device %Name% –list and check that app has been added to list.
  5. Open the My apps menu on the TV and start the installed app.
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